Saturday, October 27, 2012

Use Misoprostol to end with your pregnancy!

Misoprostol, according to the webpage, is a synthetic PROSTAGLANDIN E1 analogue used to treat gastric irritation resulting from long-term therapy with NONSTEROIDAL ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUGS (drugs used to treat a variety of painful conditions, including arthritis, and cancer). By itself, or in combination with Mifepriston, it causes abortion. 

Misoprostol causes several contractions of the womb, and as a result of this, the uterus breaks, expelling the baby and finishing with the pregnancy. The effects of taking this drug include: painful cramps, vaginal blood loss that is more than a normal menstruation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea (taken from

The following video shows how Misoprostol works, and the risks of taking it:

This pill can be bought in pharmacies without a prescription, and it is available online.

As you could notice there are several problems related to this drug:

1. It can end with pregnancy in countries where abortion is illegal.
Misoprostol is easy to get, which increases the danger that teenagers consume this product, putting in risk their lives.
3.Women can have a miscarriage without their permission. How? Everyone has access to Misoprostol, so someone could give it to you (without knowing what you’re consuming) and cause a miscarriage.

Misoprostol causes abortion, and anyone can have access to it. Are you ok with this? Should authorities do something about it? Should they forbid the production of this drug? Could you mention another problem related to Misoprostol?


  1. My reaction to this is that man and woman should know from botton to top about birth control "devices" to avoid the huge damage the women are taking by using misopostrol. If their body cant take they might die, right?

    If you ask me, if by "accident" a girl gets pregnant and there is no possible way or she does not want to give birth to this unwanted child, she can use an aternative method.

    I dont believe that misoprostol should be "banned" or stop being producted, the problem is not this drug, the problem is the misusage of it. After all its primary function was to treat others afflictions.

  2. In my opinion, abortion is a woman's personal decision. There's nobody who has the right to tell you what is allowed or not allowed to do with your body: after all, we are the owners of it. But at the same time, I believe that there are many other ways in which women can prevent pregnancy: there are hundreds of different oral contraceptive pills, condoms, injections, patchs, and many others that can be a less harmful for our bodies.

    According to the video attached to your post, women that consume Misoprostol can even die so it shows that the misuse of this pill can be lethal. Of course Misoprostol is an alternative for those women that don't have the chance to get a contraceptive method(or for the ones that are just irresponsable) but they should also be aware fo the cons of the consumption of this pill.

    I agree with Simon. I think Misoprostol shouldn't be banned. As he also says, the problem here has to do with the use given to it: if women abuse of it, it is likely that they're going to feel like dying, which can also happen.
