Monday, October 1, 2012

Thousands of tiny mouths working on your feet !

       Could you imagine thousands of little fishes replacing a masseuse for half an hour? Your first possible answer will be: “Ewwwww!”, but nowadays these little friends are part of a revolutionary way to keep your feet clean and healthy at the same time.

This therapy is called Garrarufa fish treatment which has been held in Asia for many decades, but scientists recently proved their effectiveness through a research. After this, Spa’s started to introduce this procedure and made people to leave their fears and prejudices behind.

These little fishes, instead of having teeth, they have a sucker which help them to eat “the dead skin” and impurities up. As a result, you get a softy and cleaner skin trough an exhaustive exfoliation of experts.

Some of the benefits of this practice are the following: it helps people who suffer from psoriasis and scares skins wounds; it also helps the regeneration of the skin because these Garrarufa fishes increase blood’s circulation. Moreover, they secrete a special enzyme called dithranol which is used to create rejuvenating creams in the whole world.

On the other hand, a research team in Britain revealed a study in which they state that this procedure may cause some infections or viruses can easily affect fishes which could transmit those diseases to human beings. According to this study, diseases as HIV and hepatitis C which can be transmitted through the blood might be acquired by the little fishes and conveyed to people.

Now, it’s all up to you! Would you expose yourself in this treatment taking into account all the pros and possible cons? 


  1. My God! When I start reading I found it very interesting and I even thought, why not? I like trying new things and having fishes cleaning and massaging my feet is pretty uncommon. However, the last part of the article persuaded me not to do it. I am conscious that we are exposed to several risks in our daily life, but getting a mortal disease because those little creatures infected me is not what I’m looking for.

  2. Alternative medicine has improved its techniques in the last decades. I think it might be useful if you don’t like surgeries or medical procedures, but of course you can’t forget the risk a treatment like this might cause.
    In my opinion, when you are exposed to a cure that involves the use of surgical instruments that are in contact with other ill people, you are more susceptible to get any other kind of disease. In this case, if the treatment consists in the use of tiny animals, I think it is more dangerous.
    In thinks that involve health, I prefer choosing traditional procedures. I don’t like taking unnecessary risks.
