Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Electric cigarettes are equals electric nicotine?

When I first saw somebody using the e cigarette, I thought, what the point of pretending that you smoke is? Then I thought that this may be a good idea to help heavy smokers to quit their nasty habit. But does the e cigarette really work?
First of all we have to say that the e cigarette is an electronic device that imitates the form of a regular cigarette and it is loaded with a nicotine cartridge, this nicotine is heating up and then inhaled by smokers as vapor. The market offers it as a safe alternative to cigarettes; the product is not thought to help smokers with their nicotine habit. You are just changing one addiction for another.
According to the study carried out by psychologist Thomas Eissenberg, e cigarettes have the same amount of nicotine that a normal cigarette has; moreover, the product does not help smokers to reduce cigarette cravings.
To sum up, the difference between an e cigarette and a normal cigarette is that, you don’t have to consume all the extra substances that regular cigarettes have, such as rat poison, benzene, acetone, ammonia and others. 
Taking into account that you will still being a nicotine addict; would you like to try this new “fashion accessory” or you will keep smoking the old cigarette with all its harmful substances? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I used to smoke many cigarettes per day and I didn't realize the enormous damage that I was acquiring in my body. Regular cigarettes are full of other substances that might us feel addicted to this element and you can not do anything without it. E cigarettes is an excellent option for those who wants to keep their body healthy and sounds as an terrific oportunity for people who really want to end with this "harmful" procedure by replacing the old way of smoking. You might spend more money on buying but nothing is compared to wake up in the morning and do not suffer from headache's caused by the smoke.

  3. My brother tried this and after a few months he broke the habit.
    No smoking for him for more than a year. Now he is smoking again.
    I, as a smoker, frequently as whether people are into tobacco or just smoke for the oral reflex or to look busy or cool.
    Bad things about being a heavy cant wipe the smell, your teeth get ugly, and your wallet suffers.
    I like smoking and I'm not putting it down.
