Sunday, October 21, 2012

Is Transsexualism a mental disorder?

According to the World Health Organization, it is. People who are not satisfied with the sex they were born and feel they should have the opposite sex are diagnosed  by psychologists with Gender Identity Disorder (GID).

The American Psychiatric Association defines a mental disorder as “...a health condition characterized by significant dysfunction in an individual’s cognitions, emotions, or behaviors that reflects a disturbance in the psychological, biological, or developmental processes underlying mental functioning.”  Nevertheless, latest medical studies on brain structures of transsexual people could prove that these persons have the brain structures of the opposite sex; in other words, their brain structure corresponds to the sex they feel identified with.

Furthermore, in 2008, a group of Australian researchers found a genetic difference related to the androgen receptor gene in male-to-female transsexuals that could provoke debility in testosterone signals.

These studies indicate that Transsexualism is not actually a mental illness, since there are physical aspects involved.

Actually, a petition made by a female-to-male transsexual called Maxwell Zachs at asking for declassifying Transsexualism as a mental disorder from the World Health Organization has been signed by more than 42.000 people.  It is part of an International campaign in which Trans people claim that they are not sick, they are just people who were born in a different body, and that the classification of Transsexualism as a mental disorder just contributes to discrimination.

Here's the link to the full petition of Maxwell Zachs:

Do you consider that Transsexualism is a mental disorder? What do you think about Maxwell Zachs's petition?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I strongly agree with Maxwell petition. When we don't understand somenthing besides from fearing it, we should probably imagine that there's more likely an unknown or undiscovered scientific explanation to it. There's also very common in history that people refuse to embrace scientific truths for the sake of tradition or simply because people are scared from what they cannot explain themselves. Of course, when these people are the ones who decide for so many millions of people, they should be a little bit more open to accept scientific truths and keep the pace with new findings, since their decisions and fears(in this particular case) affect us all.

  3. In my opinion transsexualism is not a mental disorder. I've heard of studies that found that female and male brains were different, regardless the body they were born with. According to these studies it's the brain what make us feel women or men, not the body.

    About your final question, I have to agree with Maxwell. That's exactly how I feel about this issue and I hope his petition be accepted in a short period of time.
