Friday, October 5, 2012

Eating mucus may strengthen your immune system!

I know! It sounds disgusting, but eating mucus is a very common habit in human beings. Children are the masters on this practice and they usually spend the whole day picking their nose.

However, although you may not believe, an Austrian doctor called Frederic Bishinger, states that it’s a very safe and healthy praxis. According to the pulmonologist, not only is the finger exploring the nostrils, but also is reaching parts that you cannot usually get to with a tissue. Moreover, he explains that the nose is a sort of filter of bacteria and other substances which tries to get into lungs through the air. So the resultant mucus may work as a natural vaccine.

On the other hand, there is a popular belief which says that eating mucus might increase your sexual potency and provoke respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Regarding the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), the psychiatrist and psychologists “bible”, nasal mucus intake is defined as a behavioral disorder or behavior without being consider as pathology and it is not considered as a eating disorder or any type of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)

Would you let your children, nephews or students keep picking their finger in their noses?  Maybe their instinct of safety is more powerful than their good manners!


  1. I've always thought that eating mucus makes you healthier or even smarter. I think that all of us have eaten mucus at least once in our lives, so for me it's a normal thing. It is weird to see adults picking their noses, but that kind of thing usually happens. Children are the ones who pick their noses the most, so I can bear it, there's nothing wrong with it.

  2. I think it is disgusting, and there are better ways to keep healthy.
