Thursday, October 4, 2012

Words, thoughts, and emotions affect our DNA

There is an entirely new field in medicine called psychoneuroimmunology that studies the effects of our thoughts, emotions intertwined with the bioquimics, thus the DNA appliances which are fields intimately related with bioquimics.

The brilliant Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto unveiled shocking evidence which proved that thoughts, words, emotions, and even music modifiy directly the DNA. In the trial he conducted, water was displayed to verbal exposure and then frozen. Words with mean influence such as, “I will kill you, you make me sick,” (figure 2) and words of love and appreciation; “I love you; you are great,” (figure 1). The results were the following:

Taking the examples presented into account, Masaru stated that each thought, emotion, or word acts as a form of vibrational wave modifying each particle of water. Then, if each particle of water changes so drastically, there is no wonder that our bodies, when containing 90% of water, changes too in accord to several influences, whether they may be emotional distress, bad thinking, verbally mistreating something or someone, or even listening to the malevolence that some music posses. it will therefore affect directly your DNA structure as well as your physique. For instance, depression, tooth decay, weight lose, reduced anti-body defenses, allowing other diseases to harm your immune system.
Figure 1

Figure 2

Having said that, how much self awareness does people posses when knowing how far actions and sentiments might modify them? Are you willing to embrace a positivist lifestyle or would you keep trashing yourself?  

Taken from the movie "What the bleep"


  1. I think that the study of Mr. Emoto has just proved what many other people icnluding philosophers, religious leaders, writers and ordinary people have said since ancient years regarding positive thinking. For instance, I read a book about the principles of Metaphysics, in which its author, an esoteric teacher called Conny Mendez, claimed that our mind influences evertything that surrounds us, and in greater way, ourselves. After reading it, I realized that thinking positive is a lifestyle, and a most of people aren't aware of that what happens to them is a result of their thoughts. Personally, I fully embraced this lifestyle after reading the book and I have to say my life is much better now. So, I totally recommend to think positive no matter the problems you may have.

  2. According to what is presented in this post I would say that there's no wonder that we are so unhealthy according to the lifestyle presented by our culture. In society, we are exposed every day to destructive criticism, disrespect, and insults comming not only from the absurd ammount of media influence on people, but also from the accelerated lifestyle that we keep, at work, at uneversity, in schools and even when walking down the streets.
    Probably, this study should become in the basis for a new and important field of investigation, because thinking positive is not as easy as it is to say it, since not only the world around us does not contibute to positive thinking and harmony in life, this also depends on inner physiological factors suc as genetics or medical condition (depression being an example of both)
