Headaches, vomit, nausea and loss of short term
memory are only some of the symptoms caused by an unknown and modern affliction
that has been disturbing people for some years now, and even though it has not
been certified by the World Health Organization, it seems to be here to stay
for a long time and turn into a XXI century disease.
The “Wi-Fi allergy”, as it is known, is
explained by an electro sensitivity caused by a prolonged exposure to
electromagnetic fields but as is has not been worldwide certified, people who
suffer from this are restricted to treat only the symptoms and do not joy the medical
facilities every ill person should. Some of the testimonies reflect that it
starts by being affected by waves emanated from the wireless router, but after
a long period of exposure even the TV or anything that’s plugged can cause a
such as the already named.

Other of the reasons why it has not been
formally considered is because, according to experts’ opinions, this type of
exposure reduces considerably the production of serotonin in the brain;
serotonin is a natural anti-depressive, so its low production can cause
tiredness and sometimes sadness, reason why this electro sensitivity can also
be mistaken as stress or depression in some cases.
It is also
important to say that this modern disease appears at any stage of life so you
better start setting boundaries with your technological gadgets before is too
late, don’t you think so?
I think it's very important, as you state, to set some boundaries when using technological gadgets, I also think that this "condition" is more likely to be a neurological condition than an alergy,mostly because it has been proven that electrical and technological gadgets can have this kind of impact on our brains, also we need to realize that today there has been an absurd increase in the use of this artefacts, they are everywhere and they are used by everyone indiscriminately and irresponsibly. I would certinly like to read more about this topic, being affected by alergies the way I am, but I most definetely believe that this is probably a neurological problem.