radiation or pollution is considered to be the most significant means of
contaminating human health according to Harvard Medical School graduate, Andrew
Weil MD.

This condition
was named by the Russians as the “Radio Frequency Sickness Syndrome”. Nowadays,
this same technology is found within all technologic apparatus, such as the
Plasma television, Cell phones, Computers, Scanners, Antennas, Radio, and many
turned on, cell phones transmit by emitting signal through radio waves
broadcasting and locating by the closest cell phone tower. These waves are
called EMR (electromagnetic radiation). So, here we have interesting facts
about a common tool used by us all daily: the cell phone.
Using cell phones excessively can:
- Increase brain cancer by 140% to 300% just by talking 500 minutes a month.
- Harm and destroy the living DNA, in addition to the leakage of blood in the brain allowing toxins to break brain tissue
- Reduce sperm count by 30% when worn at waist level by men.
- Disrupt the estrogen levels, increasing hormonal misbalance.
- Cause child’s brain malfunctions for an hour with a two minutes cell phone call.

Having read all these facts. Will you consider easing day by day the dependence on your cell phone?
As we discussed in class, everything gives you cancer nowadays. So, if we really wanted to prevent that, we would stop using the microwave, our cellphones, eating meat, etc. In my opinion, we have to take those risks if we want to enjoy the commodities and benefits of technology.