Thursday, October 4, 2012

Laziness or stress related condition?

At certain time of the year we feel like our bodies can not resist some situations. People often call this laziness, but what if all this symptons such as the inability to get out of bed in the mornings or the inability to focus on anything are just the ways in which our bodies try to tell us that something in our organism isn't right.
In the scientific journalNature Reviews Endocrinology, the article Stress and disorders of the stress systemby Gerorge P. Chrousos (2009), shows evidence that stress is produced by phisiological disequilibrium or imbalance. This involves several systems, organs and hormones in the human body such as the central nervous system and peripheral organs, hypothalamus and hypothalamic hormones, and autonomic norepinephrine centers in the brainstem. This imbalance in the homeostasis of human organism can result in an alteration or malfunction of the the executive and/or cognitive, reward and fear systems, the wake–sleep centers of the brain, the growth, reproductive and thyroid hormone axes, and the gastrointestinal, cardiorespiratory, metabolic, and immune systems.

According to Chrousos (2009) "Optimal basal activity and responsiveness of the stress system is essential for a sense of well-being, successful performance of tasks, and appropriate social interactions. By contrast, excessive or inadequate basal activity and responsiveness of this system might impair development, growth and body composition, and lead to a host of behavioral and somatic pathological conditions."
Data presented in this article are just part of the existence evidence of the causes and effects of stress. One thing is clear: stress can cause malfunctions inside our organism, but the way our body communicate this to us is in series of different phisiological malfunctions such as lack of interest, concentration problems, headaches, sleeping problems and many more different problems, since stress issues can compromise the functioning of the hypothalamus which is one of the main hormone producers in our body.
So next time you want to call someone lazy, you should probably consider these factors, and yo prevent yourself from getting to a point in which the damage caused by stress can be very har to treat you should probably be careful about having too many of this malfunctions in your organism at the time

1 comment:

  1. This make so much sense to me. Elder people use to tell us, students, that we are always sleepy, without energy, or in a bad mood. It seems like they think we cannot be tired just because we are young, but in fact being a college student demands a lot of effort which can definetely lead us to stress.
