Friday, October 5, 2012

Men do need meat to thrive successfully, a discovery revealed

Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. A piece of bone, specifically from the skull, was found in Tanzania by a group of researchers. It belonged to a child that is thought to have been less than two years. This fragment of skull has reaffirmed the theory that men need meat in order to grow or develop correctly, since the bone showed signs of anemia due to nutritional deficiencies. This discovery also suggests that men started hunting for meat earlier in history than it is thought.

The bone presented lesions that suggest that the lack of meat in our human ancestor’s diets lead to anaemia, so they actually consumed meat. Besides, the researchers said that if the child was too young to eat meat and still was depending on his mother’s milk, his mother probably lacked of meat-eating.

There is also evidence that men consumed meat on a regular basis and that kept them healthy. Nowadays, humans get about 20% of their protein from animal products. so scientists are worried because, due to overpopulation (by 2050, there will be an additional 2 billion people alive), many people in the future may need to become vegetarians because the world will not be able to produce food for everyone in a couple of decades. By that time, people will have to drop to just 5 per cent of animal-based food consumption.

My classmate Pía made an entry that stated that men do not need meat in their diets. Do you think men need meat to thrive successfully? Are the proteins we get from legumes enough?


  1. What I explained in my entry is that human are not natural omnivores and that it is why eventually, all meat-eaters suffer from chronic degenerative diseases. Meat-eaters are twice as likely as vegetarians to develop heart diseases, while vegetarians and vegans live, on average, six to ten years longer that meat-eaters. Facts aknowledged by The American Dietetic Association which also demonstrated that health problems have been cured by switching to a 100% vegan diet.

  2. SO Pía, how would you explain the death of the kid? I think it is a well-known fact that legumes do not provide the necessary amount of protein that our body requires.
    In the case of the heart diseases, I personally think that it is related to the fat ingested every time we eat meat. If that is the case, the problem can be solved with a proper amount of exercise, or something like that. But the lack of protein can be solved only by introducing more protein in our body, and that means eating meat, because legumes do not provide the necessary amount of protein we need to survive.
