Saturday, October 20, 2012

Rohypnol: The date rape drug

Rohypnol is the brand name for the drug flunitrazepam, a drug used in the short-term treatment of insomnia and for inducing anaesthesia. Currently another use has been attributed to it: rape.

Rohypnol has been labeled as a 'date rape' drug because it produces sedative effects as muscle relaxation and amnesia, therefore the consumers cannot remember what they go on during the time they are under the influence of Rohypnol and because of the sedative effects of it they are not capable to defend themselves.

Most of the rape attacks occur in clubs: Rapist tend to slip the drug into a drink before it’s served and because Rohypnol is tasteless, odorless, and colorless, in other words, undetectable, the victim doesn’t notice it.

According to the web page, adverse effects of Rohypnol use include: drowsiness, confusion, slurred speech and weakness. 

In the following video, Donna Barnes,a relationship expert gives advices to protect ourselves from this drug:

Rohypnol is illegal in the U.S., but in Latin America you can get it with a prescription. What does it tell us about our society? Should we also forbid the production and sale of Rohypnol? Another controversial issue is the defamation of Rohypnol as the date rape drug. Not many people know about this so, why authorities haven’t diffused the dangers of this drug?

1 comment:

  1. I do not understand why laboratories keep releasing this kind of drugs which are supposed to help us. But instead they do the opposite. I think it is ridiculous that we have to protect ourselves from drugs which can be bought in pharmacies the same way we have to be careful with "real drugs," such as cocaine and ecstasy. In my opinion, the production and sale of Rohypnol should be prohibited.
