Monday, August 27, 2012

Interconnected generation.

When was the last time you bought a newspaper? Have you ever written and sent a letter to a girl/friend or boy/friend?
Those are things we used to do “back in time”, when paper had a predominant role in our lives. Nowadays the most popular channel to keep in touch with anybody is World Wide Web, where we can read/watch news; send e-mails, playing on-line games. Its speed, its immediacy and the huge amount of information available for us have, in some way, made us dependent to it.
The World Wide Web (very well known as www, Web or W3) is the universe of system-accessible information, in which any of us is allowed to search for data, to upload data, to communicate with someone who lives in the other side of the world, to watch movies, to listen to music, and plenty of another tasks.
This platform began as a project of information management network in the 80’s by the British computer scientist and professor Timothy John Berners-Lee. Creating, in this way, for the first time successful communication between collaborative information system and a server via Internet. The difference between the www and the internet relies on information sharing of the first one and the travel of the info through a variety of languages.
So, the combination of those two projects is the responsible for spending too many time in front our computers.  Do you think you could live without any connection? Can you go on vacations without looking your facebook profile? Have you ever imagine how your life would be 30 years ago?  

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