Sunday, September 2, 2012

Minimally invasive surgery

Are we witnessing the dawning of new technology that will allow us in a no distant future being able to overcome medical problems without the need of an invasive surgery? Well, apparently we are.
Needless to say to anyone that has had a surgery how undermining it is to your health being cut and opened for your relief. The problem is that after you had your procedure, you find yourself under a big discomfort and in danger of having post-surgery implications such as infections, bacteria, or any possible affliction, consequence of being invaded through cuts in your skin and tissue in the sake of health. Luckily in the last twenty years there has been a change of approach among the medical community, especially in the surgical field, were the focus of the treatment comes from inside the human body.
Modern surgery as a medical treatment has existed for over two hundred years; it has evolved along with modern science;moreover, in the last years the use of laparoscopy interventions has increased because it minimizes the damage upon the human body. This type of minimally invasive surgery has successfully evolved into using miniature-sized cameras, which allows surgeons to observe and even heal medical problems.  In addition, in the last years it has been developed a machine called the da Vinci Surgical System which is basically a robot that helps surgeons to be more precise and harmless to the patient’s body.
All of these breakthroughs make us wonder were science can lead us and in what way is this going to benefit us.

1 comment:

  1. Post surgery is a very hard time, your body suffers a lot and reacts to this on its own way.
    This new "way" will ensure the complete recovery of patiens.
