When we ear the name "Einstein" we think of an old man with a funny haircut, always wearing the same suit, and a very very intelligent man. And have you ever questioned why was he so clever, what was about this guy that was different from others?
At an early age Albert was not a big shot. He didn't speak until he turned 4; failed some subjects at school and even a teacher said that Albert was not going to do anything in life. Little did he know.

That was about his early age. I will skip his career (because is not the topic) and will tell you about his afterlife. After he died his brain was donated (by his family) to science to see if his brain was different from the rest, ordinary people. At first weight Einstein's brain was a bit smaller than averege (1230 grams), but then they started finding the differences: A greater density of neurons in some parts of the brain and a higher than usual ratio of glia (cells that help neurons transmit nerve impulses) to neurons. Also several regions feature additional convoltions and folds (wrinkles that give brain's unique shape) For example, the regions on the left side of the brain that facilitate sensory inputs into and motor control of the face and tongue are much larger than normal; and his prefrontal cortex-linked to planning, focused attention- is also greatly expanded.
Maybe he came out with all his theories because he needed to show us how he saw the world that told hin that he was a misfist.
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