Technology is commonly used in our sight with laser surgeries, but not in a more invasive way. But have you ever thought of getting a microchip implanted in your eyeball to solve your sight problems? Well, now this technology is available in the market and it is changing the cannons of eye surgery in the world.
A German company tried this technology in 11 people diagnosed with "pigmented retina", problem that cause a gradual lost in people's sight. 7 people had a successful surgery and improved their vision in a percentage that makes people think that this can be used to solve some greater problems in ocular medicine.

As I mentioned above, people is now thinking about the applicability of this procedure on people that have lost their vision completely.
Personally, I think that he importance of this breakthrough is huge. If you agree, what do you think about this discovery? Are we losing our human endowment as technology is being used more and more in our body? Do you think this technology can be the panacea for ocular medicine and sight problems?
Medicine is amazing, and if it can help you to overcome diseases, then it's right. I was born with a visual impairment and I would love to try this new technology, since glasses cannot help me anymore. But I don't think this will be a panace, because there are always going to be problems and new diseases, so, experts should keep working.