Friday, November 16, 2012


How nice would it be to know that beer, actually, can be healthy? Well, it is true! Dr. Clarissa Gerhauser, from the German Cancer Research Centre  in Heidelberg, Germany, has conducted many studies about the effect of beer over our health. Her results seem to point out that beer (malted beer) constitute a chemopreventive agent for cancer. How cool is that?
Dr. Gerhauser, undertook a series of experiments with different chemical component that came out from the Brewing Process. Through animal testing, she managed to separate very specific chemical reactions that showed to slow down the action of cellular cancerous activity. But her results goes far beyond the cancer sphere. According to Gerhauser, in her book "Beer in Health and Decease Prevention", drinking about 8 floz (200 cc) of beer on a daily basis, helps the body to hydrate, also prevents the proliferation of contact ulcers, in deed, beer represents a good source of starch. 
Apparently, beer is good for our health. But not all kind of beers serve to the same purpose. Good quality beers, this means over 16% barley beers are the one we should take under consideration. 
This topic is important, because beer is the most consume beverage all around the world. It is the most common alcoholic beverage among college students. Then, to have concerns about the quality and the effect of this beverage it is only logical. The very same Dr. Gerhauser, states in the prologue of her book "this book is not advocating the consuming of beer, it is only a thesis about the beneficial features that beer contains".  
The Chilean law, does not states to label all of the components of beers and canned beers in the boxes. The question is, if this is the most consume drink among college students, why aren´t we more concern about what we drink and what is it made of? Do you believe that beer can be healthy?. 


  1. I consider beer to be very healthy, its a social lubricant and great treat when you are thirsty, but now that i know that could help to prevent cancer, I'm even more keen on having a beer every now and then.

  2. I strongly disagree with Dr. Clarissa Gerhauser, I can’t believe this specialist doesn’t think about the “pros” and “cons” that a product might have. I believe that, scientists are been a bit radical when think about alcohol benefits "you have a product, and it is well known that the scientific community has forgotten the minimum consensus established by its discipline, to conduct studies that yield unviable results, such as "benefits of alcohol". I personally believe that this produces a speech that validates scientific consumption of alcohol, and not saying that is bad, meaning that we all have drunk a beer, but in my opinion the scientific community should address to report the harmful characteristics of a product before promoting the positive effects of alcohol in the short, medium or long term.

  3. I agree with this at some point that it cames from a natural product, so it maight have some nutrietns or components that might be good for our health. But the problem here is that not everybody has the opportnity of drinking a beer 100% healthy. The sides effects that it provides after drinking it, even in short quantities, are more dangerous that the benefits it might provide.
    Anyways, for the fact of being an alcoholinc drink, I strngly believe that drinkers should be precautious.
