Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mommy, Mathematics is a REAL painful thing!

There are some people who enjoy solving complex mathematic equations, but on the other hand; most of people in the World suffer and struggle with trying to solve indecipherable exercises. A study revealed that the anxiety of solving mathematical operations could produce a brain response similar to physical pain.

The study, which was published in the scientific journal Plos One, was carried out by researchers from the University of Chicago; it consisted of recruiting adult volunteers who feel afraid of Mathematics under different situations: from reading a book to the basic mathematical requirements.

The researchers scanned the brains while the volunteers were solving their mathematical exercises and they found that an alert lights in areas corresponding to bodily danger and physical pain.

“For someone who is afraid of math, the expectancy of encouraging them produces a similar neuronal response as getting a hand burned” explains Dr. Sian L. Beilock, the author of the study. Nowadays, we can consider math solving as a potential and emergent enemy to the anxiety rises.

What about you? Did you ever suffer from solving exercises at school? Was it real painful for you as a student? Would this study considered trustworthy one or is it just an excuse to people who don't like solving math exercises?

Here you can find a useful video which explains the findings of this study.


  1. This is a very interesting topic! It's true, math hurts for some people! But, I think that math is important. Everyone uses math in their everyday life even more than other sciences. In my opinion, it's the mother of all other branches of sciences. It can be very useful as well, because you don't end up looking like fool when it comes to doing the taxes, pay checks, banking, how many teeth you have, and how many beers you can down in 3 seconds; it simplify your life. Everything is related with math. Most importantly, as far as I know, when you practicing math, you tend to think more and it increases your brain power. Besides, it teaches you problem solving and mental math which indirectly increases your confidence in yourself.

  2. I was tempted to write somethig about this topic that seems to affect so many people these days. It's very interesting to know more about this topic because probably students who strygle with this problem think that are less capable or feel very lonely when trying to explain this issue, I think it's very important to spread this information so teachers, parents and students could find real solutions, especially because this problem is often not taken seriously by teachers and parents. Most importantly, it's very important to develop and to be aware of the research in this area, to make the problem easier to detect and to make solutions more effective
