Is there a relation between stressed moms
and bullied kids? Apparently there is according to a study developed by a group
of psychologists from Warwick University. Now, there is a long run between a stressed
mother and a bullied kid, so we need to take a look to the relation that those scientists
are making.
According to the study, mothers who suffer
stressful situations such as violence, economic difficulties, alcoholism, drug
abuse, etc. produce great amounts of neurohormones that are sent to the woman’s
blood stream and consequently affect directly to the development of the fetus’
stress response system. Thus, this future child will be more likely to handle
stressful situations in a clumsy way, which will probably assure him/her being
bullied by its pairs.
Nowadays, everything you feel, everything you suffer from, is your parent's fault. In my opinion, parents are responsible to teach their children how to confront stressful situations, how to control their emotions, how to react to problems, etc. But then it also our job to be strong and overcome difficulties on our own.