Friday, November 16, 2012

Headaches in Children and Visual Problems, related?

It is a common belief that when children suffer from headaches is probably because they have some sort of visual problem, and they should be taken immediately to the ophthalmologist. Well, a study carried out by the ophthalmology clinic of Albany Medical Center in New York where nearly 160 children under 18 were evaluated showed different results.

They found out that 75% of the children had the same results in their vision exams, after suffering from the headaches, so there was no connection between the headaches and a need for glasses, even if the headaches happened after the child was doing some visual task, such as doing homework. Moreover, the ones who got new glasses, their headaches didn’t improve.

The ophthalmologists stated that the purpose of this study is to demonstrate that headaches are not related to visual problems, and that the aches will probably disappear in time. They were also emphatic in recommending that when the young child is taken to their primary care doctor, the child has a visual test there by visual screenings or photo screeners, so if he or she has some sort of problem, it would be better if discovered at an early age.

Children less than age 7 are still neurologically immature and if a condition such as Amblyopia is discover after that age, no much can be done to improve. Amblyopia is a condition in which the brain will stop using or developing one eye if it has a problem, and the after the age of seven is very difficult to treat.

Did you think that headaches were related to visual problems?
If you did, isn’t it better to prevent?
If my children were having headaches, I would just take them to the ophthalmologist just to make sure they don’t have a visual problem, just to clear up my doubts. Would you do the same thing?

1 comment:

  1. If my children were having headaches i would related them to their sight. Old folks tales that I heard when i was a child constantly suggested that headaches were related to sight: for example, "don't sit so close to the tv, you'll be blind" or "don't read at night, is bad for your eyes" are examples of popular wisdom.
