Friday, November 16, 2012

Is synthetic XNA the new key in evolution?

As we all have been taught, most of the living beings on Earth are formed by cells, but more important, by DNA or RNA molecules. Many scientists have conducted several studies trying to understand the DNA and RNA main functions and specific features. 

Lately a group of scientists formed by Philipp Holliger of the UK Medical Research Council's Laboratory of Molecular Biology and a team of colleagues have achieved an amazing discovery regarding DNA. Through the creation of a synthetic XNA molecule by in vitro experimentation, they have been able to provide enough evidence 
to claim that this synthetic XNA molecule has the very same capacities of the organic molecules, but the special feature of being non biodegradable which make them more durable.
The implications of this discovery are huge because of the wide variety of possible usage of this molecule. For example: in gene therapy to help cure some genetic diseases such as Parkinson, auto-immune diseases, among many others. At the same time it could be use to create a synthetic forms of life and alter the natural way of evolution.
As any other scientific breakthrough it has supporters who are looking forward to take advantage of the benefits and multiple usages of this molecule, and people against alleging that with such power in terms of manipulation of the genetic makeup we would be playing God without even care about the consequences of the usage of this molecule.

After reading this article I have come to my own conclusions regarding this amazing and life changing topic. Now it's your time to have your own opinion.
How would you think life would change after this discovery? , Would you use a synthetic XNA molecule in any way?

For further information: Scientific Article

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