Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Human Reproductive Cloning: Today, an irresponsible idea.

Have you ever heard about Dolly, the sheep? If you have not, I can tell you that Dolly was the first mammal cloned. In 1997, a group of Scottish scientists succeeded in cloning this sheep using adult cells from another sheep. When Dolly was born, she was genetically identical to her mother, and she didn’t need a father to be procreated. With her mother’s DNA was enough!

Cloning has been a huge step in science. In Human Cloning, therapeutic cloning produces cloned cells from adults to be used in medicine; so this should be promoted because many lives can be saved because of it. However, reproductive cloning should be banned because involves the unnatural creation of cloned humans.

In Reproductive Cloning, the cloned embryo is implanted to the uterus of a female host, where it stays and develops until its birth. The problem is that there is a huge probability of failing: many of the clones would die in the gestation process, which would be a risk for the mother health. Also, cloned humans would have serious health issues because their cells are older in age. Most of them would birth with anomalies that sooner would make them die. Their life expectancy is not as longer as a natural human being.

Reproductive cloning would kill the sense of individuality. In addition, this type of cloning would develop the thinking of the human being as something material and manipulated.

This process should be banned in order to protect those “cloned lives”. It would be irresponsible to clone human knowing the risks. The cloning process should be improved, and maybe then, it could be a possibility for procreation, or at least, for human creation.


  1. This is really interesting and I must say, I agree.
    Although it has been a huge step in medicine, the whole cloning process scares me a little, because how much is it good for scientists to know about human beings? Is humanity mature enough to deal with cloning? Also, it is awful to think of human being as manipulated material, it is utterly wicked.

  2. It is true that cloning is a huge step in science, and it is also true that this process helps a lot of people. Maybe these cloned people's life expectancy wouldn't be as long as a normal person's life expectancy, and at the end it would be a waste of time, materials, etc. I agree with everything you have said until that point.

    But what about the idea of human beings as something material and manipulated? I think that even before cloning we have been seen that way. Even right now, we are being manipulated by a lot of things: by our computers, our cellphones, pills, the internet, television, plastic surgery, etc. that control our behavior and everyday life.

    The idea of human beings as pure objects already exists, so why would scientists care about it?

  3. It is true that we are being manipulated by the media in general, but I think it's an option we choose because we are not force to watch TV or to use a computer. We can take our own desitions.
    What about clones? Do they have an option? Cloning may help a lot of people; however, it is all about using people to help other people. I think that is really what we can call manipulated material.
