Thursday, September 27, 2012

Allopathic medicine v/s Natural Medicine: Which one is the best option?

The idea that traditional medicine, also known as allopathic medicine, is the best option to heal our illnesses has always existed. However, the World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the world’s population prefers herbal and natural treatments as their first health care option. This is, basically, because people do not trust conventional medicine and its secondary effects.

On one hand, it is true that allopathic medicine is often highly effective because is focused on specific dysfunctions that the human body may have. But, what about the side effects? Traditional medicine is based on invasive treatments that attack individual symptoms, but our body is not separated in systems: it is a whole. Most of the time, we cure one illness at the expense of another part of our body that, in the future, would be affected because of the treatments that we have already used.

On the other hand, alternative medicine cares not only about the problem, but also about the entire body. An herbalist may recommend you a mix of different herbs or roots, but that is not everything. Natural healing is about a lifestyle change that allows you to keep a health life. This may include diets, reflexology, yoga, massages or other natural treatments.

The most important things are, first, that all people are different and everyone needs a different treatment depending on the illness; and second, both types of healing have certain limitations, so the complementary use of both is recommended. The decision you have to make is: which one should be used over the other one? Would you prefer to use allopathic or natural medicine as your first health care option?


  1. I've been raised within a family that is fond of natural medicine: camomile tea to cure headaches, cinammon tea for stomachaches, potato slices to cure fever etc. That's the main reason why I've always prefered to use natural medicine instead traditional medicine. Of course I've taken pills to cure headaches for example, but it feels much better to drink a warm cup of camomile tea.

  2. From my point of view and personal case, I prefer natural medicine rather than allopatic. Of course if the disease is really serious such as any cancer, or bad injuries, I would concur to allopathic medicine; however, in case of any pain or illness, natural medicine is the first option. Once my mom had a very strong pain in her left hip and leg. She went through treatments and took pills,the pain stopped for some days and then it continued. After some time, she gave up with the traditional medicine and proved a natural therapy with bee stings and, additionally, a therapy with magnets. The improvement started right away. Now she doesn't feel pain and when she visited the traditional doctor just to check how her hip was, he told her that her cartilage was completely recovered. For me, that's a great prove in order to maintain my preference.

  3. I think that we must not forget that our bodies are made to regenerate up to a point and that it's our responsability to take care of our own body. I've notesed that people tend to blame objects of making things that we can avoid or improve by having a good life-style. Currently is easy to find information and some websites, books, magazines and even doctors can provide you with a healthy diet; you can probably get some excersise anywhere and anytime,or you could learn how to breath in a correct manner; and, although extremely difficult, we can lower our stress level by putting order in our lives and organizing our time better.
    I think allopathic AND natural medicine can help, but like everything else we must moderate ourselves because anything in "too much" quantities may be bad for your health,
